When you are just over shaving, plucking, or whatever hair removal method you usually use to remove facial hair a great option is face waxing. Waxing as a whole has grown in popularity in recent years. Facial waxing for men is still a fairly new deal since men’s facial hair is significantly different than that […]
Average Costs of Laser Hair Removal – What to Expect
Laser hair removal is becoming more common and more available as a viable option for individuals looking for a permanent solution to dealing with unwanted hair. Though it seems like most people think that the cost is way out of their reach. Most people consider hair removal a luxury instead of a need, so if […]
Should Men Shave Their Legs? The answer may surprise you.
Over recent years an increasing number of men have started to shave their legs. Making some to wonder if shaving your legs is something that all men should consider. Leg hair serves no purpose; unless you live in really cold climates, I guess. It leads to the question of should men shave their legs. In […]
10 Best Laser Caps for Hair Loss of 2019
The emotional damage hair loss can cause is undeniable. It has been proven by countless studies such as this one conducted by the largest European university clinic, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin. The emotional trauma of hair loss isn’t self-inflicted, though. You see, most people, knowingly or unknowingly, discriminate against individuals without a full head of […]
10 Best Minoxidil Hairline Treatments of 2019
The most common reason for hair loss is Androgenetic alopecia or pattern baldness. Pattern baldness will typically miniaturize the follicles on the vertex of your scalp while leaving the follicles on the side and back of your head unaffected. However, the earliest sign of pattern baldness is usually the gradual recession of your frontal hairline. […]
Options for a Thin Beard: What to do and how to fix it
When you fight a thin beard, it can be discouraging trying to achieve the beard you really want. Men of all walks of life struggle to grow the thick, full beard that has grown in popularity in recent years. Conditions from patchiness, bald spots, natural thinness, and even side effects of medical issues and medications […]
3 Months to a Great Beard: Grow a Beard Fast
First-time beard growers or men that have tried and failed to grow a beard in the past, you have come to the right place! We have put together this step-by-step guide to help you grow a great beard in just 3 months. We hope that you find the information you need to get you through […]
How to Deal with Beard Itch: Everything You Need to Know
You have a great beard, but you also deal with annoying itchiness from time to time, or maybe even all the time. Almost every man will have to deal with the dreaded itch as some point in the beard-life. It does not have to be the end of the world. In this article, we will […]
10 Best Mustache Waxes of 2019
You have finally reached the mustache level you want, but the thing has a mind of its own. The hairs curl over your upper lip, or maybe stand straight out, or even up to tickle your nose. If you have ever suffered from any of these issues, or are just looking for a way to […]
Should You Have a Neck Beard? Famous Neck Beards and When to Do It
Beards have become so popular that you might even hear in-depth conversations on the radio or cable talk radio covering some topic that has to do with beards. Where and when it is appropriate to sport a beard is a common topic, but an area that may cause a great divide is when the topic […]