We all want healthy, shiny, bouncy tresses but sometimes our hair looks dead, dry or lifeless. The condition of our hair can be an indication of our overall health. Weather, genetics, emotional stress, hormones, and medicines can affect our hair, but our diet can play a major part of the health of our hair. Vitamin and nutritional deficiency can be reflected in our nails, skin, and hair so if you want to be healthy inside and out and want to have shiny and vibrant tresses then it’s time to add some foods to your diet. As well as changing what you eat there are also many natural hair treatments you can try for healthy hair.
Salmon for Hydrated Hair
Actually, all oily cold water fishes including: sardines, mackerel, trout, kipper, etc. are packed full of protein, iron, vitamin-D, and omega-3 all of which are essential to your hairs health. The oils can quench your hairs thirst and give your hair additional shine. Additionally, omega-3 is found in your scalps cell membranes, which produce natural oils to keep your tresses hydrated.
Eggs are Excellent for Hair Health
If you’ve made DIY hair mask at home you probably know the endless benefits of applying eggs on your hair but they also do wonders when you actually cook them. Eggs are full of zinc, iron, sulfur, and Vitamin B-7. The VB-7 has been proven to prevent breakage because it protects your hairs follicles. All that this means is healthy hair that grows fast and strong.
Legumes for Healthy Locks
According to a study done by the University of Adelaide, our hair is made up of 50-100 proteins so the best way to fuel your protein-filled hair is with proteins. Legumes and beans are fill of plenty of proteins in addition to nutrients like zinc, iron, b-complex vitamins such as B7, b12. Some studies have suggested b-complex vitamins can even delay graying!

Nuts for nutritious Hair
Walnuts are perhaps the best nuts for your hairs health because they are full of omega-3, B7, and Vitamin E, which can actually protect your hair from hereditary damage. Nuts also work as a sunscreen to protect your hair from sun damage.
Lean Meats for Strong Hair
Most people eat a lot of chicken and this common meal is packed full of healthy protein, vitamin B, zinc, amino acids, and iron. Protein-rich foods such as lean meats are the very basics for healthy and strong hair.
Green Vegetables for Gorgeous Hair
Dark greens, especially spinach, broccoli, Swiss chard and kale are excellent sources of vitamin C, vitamin A, calcium, and iron. All of these essential vitamins are critical to a healthy head of hair and producing natural oils.

The best part about eating for our hairs health is it’s delicious and healthy not only for your hair but your overall health. Enjoy your meal and your strong and healthy hair.