You’ve decided to grow a long beard. It’s been a journey, but you finally have it where you want it. You’ve kept it well-maintained by trimming it along the way. It’s looking great except for one problem.
It refuses to stay straight.
A wild beard can be a bear to tame if you don’t know what you’re doing. It’s not as difficult as you may think. And there are more ways than one to tackle your troubles. Let’s talk about some things you can do to get the results you want.
Getting Started
First things first. You have to get your beard clean. Properly. There’s a good possibility that your typical cleaning method is the reason it won’t straighten out for you.
Men don’t often have a lot of disagreement about the types of soaps we use. We see something on the store shelf, smell it (maybe), and put it in our shopping cart.
The rub here is that while that product might be great for skin, it’s not for beards. Many soaps dry them out, wreaking havoc on the health of your beard. These soaps tend to make them brittle and difficult to manage.
You want to invest in some quality, effective beard shampoo. It will get your beard thoroughly cleaned of dirt and build-up. It’s also great at reducing itching, split ends, and flakes.
A premium shampoo will also be free of harsh chemicals that could cause further damage to your beard. They work well to not only wash your beard, but your face, as well. You can kill two birds with one stone and forego your usual face soap.
Once your beard is adequately washed and clean, it’s time to dry. How you dry your beard is very important to its overall health. You want to avoid wringing it out or pulling on it. This will only lead to tangles and lifeless hair.
Your best bet is to pat it with a towel until you’ve reduced its dampness. If you’re serious about the straightness of your beard, you’ll want to invest in a hair dryer. Or, if your significant other already has one, just use theirs.
It’s important not to use high heat; this will only lead to breakage later. Try a low heat setting to see what kind of results you get. We all have different types of hair. If yours is relatively thin, low heat should dry it out in no time.
Those with thick hair will be waiting longer, so use a medium setting for best results. Don’t get too close to your beard, either. You don’t want to risk burning your face or hair.
When using a hair dryer, you want to do this in conjunction with a beard comb. This will help you have an easier time with straightening. Keep combing sections of your beard while drying. It’s best to comb slowly, following closely behind with the hair dryer.
When you feel that you’re close to being finished, you can then start combing downward to straighten. Depending on the type of hair you’re working with, some men will have an easier time than others. Many find that washing, drying, and combing is adequate in getting their beards straight.
However, we know it’s not always that easy. You may need to use other tools to get the job done. Now may be the best time to turn to an actual hair straightener. Known to many as a flat iron or straightening iron, this is going to be a sure-fire way of eliminating curls and achieving your beard of dreams.
A straightener is like any other tool. It needs to be used properly if you want to see the best results. You need to take your time with it. You also need to respect its power. Just because it’s a device that is mostly used by women doesn’t mean it’ll be a breeze to master.
Truth be told, it may take you a few tries before you learn all of its nuances. There may be occasions initially where you fry parts of your beard. Remember, you’re essentially clamping a hot waffle maker onto your face. Not taking the time to correctly use this tool can quickly result in disaster.
Before Using It
You don’t want to take a straightener directly to a wet beard. There is some prepping involved if you want to get an attractive, healthy, and straight beard. You want to begin by blow drying your freshly-washed hair.
Take your comb and continually comb downward to get your beard as straight as you can. When ready, take your straightening iron and get as closely as you can to the hair’s roots. The closer, the better. But too closely and you run the risk of scorching your face.
Once you have the iron where you want it, close it and begin a slow pass down your beard. Think of it as wringing out water from your beard. Always do this in one, steady motion, without stopping. Pausing for just a moment too long can fry that section of your beard.
That’s a look you don’t want, and looks you don’t want to get. Depending on the thickness of your hair, you may need to repeat this a few times to ensure you’ve successfully straightened each section.
Selecting the Right Straightening Iron

Sure, you can use the one under the bathroom sink that your wife uses, but it’s likely not going to be ideal. You might be surprised to learn this, but there are actually straighteners made specifically for beards.
The smaller the irons, the easier time you will have with straightening. You are also a lot less likely to accidentally burn yourself in the process. A bigger device that’s meant for a full head of hair is simply going to be hard to control on a beard.
Many models have combs built right into them, so you can comb as you straighten. If you’re a daily straightener, this may be right up your alley. It will save you valuable time in the morning by speeding up your routine.
You can expect to pay anywhere between $15 and $100 for these beard straighteners. It all depends on the quality you want. From what I have seen, most of them perform admirably. Like anything else, though, there are some real stinkers out there.
Some deliver poor heat levels or don’t clamp your hair firmly enough. You have to be diligent in your research to ensure you’re getting a quality product. Remember, even if you have a lengthy beard, a smaller straightener will serve you better.
Beard Maintenance
Now that your beard is looking nice, it’s time to think about maintenance. You put a lot of work into it to get it this way. If you’re thinking of keeping your beard straight long-term, you want to look into a quality conditioner.
Not just for hair, conditioners are great for beards, too. It’s possible to over-straighten your beard. A conditioner will help to reduce the need for straightening. This will ensure you have a healthy beard, longer.
Mind Your Own Beeswax

One of the best things you can put in your beard is beeswax. It’s full of beneficial ingredients, like vitamin A and antibacterial components. It won’t clog pores, either, making it a safe choice for all skin types.
This versatile compound is a natural way to moisturize your hair. Thanks in large part to vitamin A, you can look forward to long-lasting moisture in your beard. This will greatly reduce potential breaking, further prolonging the health of your beard.
Those who have unruly hair turn to beeswax to keep it under control. It is a wonderful and highly-effective natural straightener. It’s a lot healthier than products that straighten via chemicals, that’s for sure. If you see a lot of curls in your beard, beeswax will quickly become your new best friend.
Dealing with split ends? That another area where beeswax shines, as it helps hide split ends. If you’re in a hurry and don’t have time to cut them off, beeswax is a great fix in a pinch.
Looking for more reasons to buy it? Did you know that beeswax is thought to help your hair grow? Use it regularly for 30 days and you’ll likely notice a longer beard.
Do you suffer from dry, itching skin underneath your beard? Beeswax is proven to reduce or eliminate dander. You’ll be able to wear that beard of yours much more comfortably.
It’s also excellent at repelling dust and dirt. Regularly using beeswax will make your beard look and feel softer and shinier.
How to Apply Beeswax
You want to use your hands for this. Start out by gently dampening your beard. It doesn’t have to be sopping wet, either, which makes it great to use while you’re at work or out to dinner.
Use only a very small amount. There’s absolutely no need to glob a bunch of it on your beard. Simply rub it into your hand and then run it through your beard. It’s a quick and easy way to get your beard looking attractive and professional.
Unless you’re trying to grow your hair out longer, there’s no need to use it every day. Doing so can lead to build-up. This can be tough to get out of your beard after a while.
When you’re ready to turn in for the night and get your beard clean, you may find it hard to get the beeswax out of your hair. Your best course of action is to use olive oil.
Keep some on hand so that you don’t risk unwanted build-up. Warm olive oil will be the most effective. Simply apply some to your beard and give it a few minutes to soak into it. You may then proceed to wash out your beard with your favorite beard shampoo.
Some guys like to use good old dish soap for this. It’s a great way to cut down on any greasiness left behind in your beard. If you decide to go this route, use the dish soap first. Afterward, follow up with beard shampoo. You may then dry using the steps mentioned earlier.
Create Your Own Beeswax
Did you know you can make your own blend of beeswax from home? There are a couple of different methods of doing this. Either way, you’ll have your own simple beard straightener that you can use any time.
Beard Wax

You’ll need one ounce of beeswax for this. Put it in a pot and place it over low heat on the stove. On a separate burner and in a separate pot, melt an ounce of petroleum jelly. It is best if it is unscented, as you’ll be adding your own aroma in a moment.
Now mix in three ounces of vegetable oil. Make sure you continue to stir it into a single liquid form over low heat. Now add in a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil. This is what will give the wax its scent, so make sure it’s something you’ll want your beard to smell like.
This part is optional, but you may add in some powdered resin if you prefer your beeswax to be pretty firm. When you’re ready, pour in the melted beeswax. Still on low heat, stir your new mixture until it’s a uniform liquid.
Now, take it off and pour it into a small metal container. Simply cover it up and let it cool overnight. You will have your own homemade beard wax the following morning!
Beard Balm
First take an ounce of beeswax and mix in three ounces of vegetable oil, with two ounces of shea butter. Place on the stove over low heat until they become a liquid. You’ll want to stir throughout its heating to help avoid boiling.
Once it’s a liquid, remove it from the burner and add in some essential oil of your choice. This is done to give the wax a pleasing scent. You can use whatever you prefer the most.
Stir this in well and then pour the contents out into a metal container. Now all you need to do is let it sit overnight. You should cover it up so that no dust or debris comes into contact with it. The following morning, you will have your own personal beard balm!
As a side note, it’s important not to use a hair dryer or straightener while any balm or wax is in your beard. You always want to apply it after the drying process is complete.
Curly Beard Woes
Some men have naturally curly beards. They look great and all, until you want them straight. They can be especially difficult to straighten. If you take the proper steps, however, you can overcome your curls. Let’s look at a few tricks of the trade as to how to straighten out those curls.
Getting the Right Comb

For curly hair, a wide-tooth comb is going to be an excellent companion. This plays a big role in getting your curls straight without pulling on or ripping out hair.
You might want to invest in a boar bristle brush, as well. It will help you smooth things out and put a stop to unruly frizz.
Avoid plastic if you can help it. They are believed to cause damage to your beard. It’s best to comb just once daily. You may, however, brush up to twice a day.
To get the best results in your quest to straighten curly hair, try brushing before bed. You’ll be surprised how much of an impact this has on the process.
You may use any of the products mentioned earlier. Start by showering and thoroughly washing your beard. Have a silicone cream on hand, so that you can apply it afterward.
Unlike with other beards, you don’t want to dry just yet. Apply the silicone cream while your beard is nice and damp. You want to work it in with your hands until it is well-saturated. You don’t have to use a whole lot, either. Just enough to get your beard saturated.
Use the boar bristle brush in conjunction with a hair dryer to get your beard looking how you want it. As with other beard types, it’s important not to get your hair too hot. You’ll run the risk of your curls getting brittle and breaking off.
It is best to start with low heat settings and change them according to your hair type. Depending on the thickness of your curls, you may need only to use low, although some men will require a medium heat setting. Just remember never to use the hair dryer’s highest setting.
Straighten until you are satisfied with your beard. Don’t worry about doing anything else after this. The silicone cream will continue to set into your beard throughout the day. This will help your beard to remain straight.
You can go on about your day with little fear of frizzing. You might want to take a small container of beard wax with you so that you can do touch-ups as needed while you’re away from home.
Just Relax
Another effective method is that of a beard relaxer. This typically comes in a cream form and works to strengthen your hair. You can rest assured that this product will straighten out those curls of yours. It’s important to remember, though, that any new growth will still come in curly.
It is something you will have to keep applying if you wish to wear your beard straight for the foreseeable future. When you do this, be sure not to add any beard relaxer to your old growth. Doing this will only serve to waste the product. The relaxer will ensure that your curls remain straight.
You use a beard relaxer in conjunction with a hair straightener. Take a shower and wash your beard with your favorite beard shampoo. Some men prefer to use a specific beard relaxing shampoo, but this is optional.
The beard relaxer requires you to use rubber gloves (think applying hair dye). Separate sections of your beard and apply the relaxer to each area. Try your best to avoid contact with your face. Now take your beard comb and run it through your beard, all the while spreading the relaxer.
For best results, wait about a half hour. Now you may rinse out the relaxer from your beard. Simply do this with water. No soaps or shampoos should be used.
Now it’s time to dry. This is very important. Don’t use a towel AT ALL. Just take a hair dryer to it until it is dry. A towel can actually remove the relaxer, thus defeating the purpose and causing you to start over.
The next to final step is to take a hair straightener to your beard. Start at the top and work your way down. Do this slowly, but not so slow that you fry your hair. Once your hair is satisfactorily straightened, it’s time to wash your beard.
Finally, hop in the shower (or over your sink) and use your favorite beard shampoo on your beard. You’ll want to do this about three times to thoroughly remove the beard relaxer. You may then leave in a beard conditioner for about a half hour. Then, dry with a towel.
Can I Use Chemicals to Straighten My Beard?
There are ways to do this, yes. However, it is advised against as they are rather harsh. They can burn your face very easily, not to mention the damage they are causing to your beard.
If you decide to have this done, you should go to a salon so that a professional can do it for you. It cannot be overstated the potential risk that these chemicals carry with them.
You are going to get much safer and natural results using the other methods mentioned in this article. The condition of your beard is just as important as the rest of your body. Treat it well and you can look forward to having healthy, happy hair.