Ever watched one of those commercials that show someone, usually a woman, talking about smooth hair-free legs, and thought… if only it were that simple! The truth is hair removal does not have to be a difficult undertaking. With the technology available, removing unnecessary and unwanted hair is easier than ever before, with even better […]
Beard Balm Vs Beard Oil: What’s the difference and which one to use?
Beards are all the rage these days. Men of all walks of life in every profession are sporting longer and fuller beards than ever before from blue-collar labors to corporate CEOs. These beards need to be managed or else they will run wild, ending up dry, brittle, and worst of all the dreaded itch. Two […]
Why Does My Hair Get Greasy so Fast? How to Fix Oily Hair
If there is one thing that almost anyone can agree on, it is that we do not like greasy, oily, hair. It looks dirty, feels gross, and worst of all can come from out of nowhere to knock us back when we look at it in the mirror. Whether it is a result of our […]
How to Regrow Hair Fast and Naturally
It usually starts slowly, you notice a few extra hairs in the sink after you comb your hair, or out of nowhere you shower drains becomes clogged to a nasty clump of hair and soap, or maybe you just notice you can see your scalp just a bit more than before. However, you discover that […]
Pomade VS Wax: What’s the difference and which one should you use?
Men have embraced the need to add style and personality to their look with the help of styling aids. Two of the most common hair styling products are pomades and waxes. The problem arises when you try to decide between the two, and even if you do decide, then there are several options. We’re here […]
4 Best Facial Hair Removal Creams for Men
When it comes to facial hair removal creams (depilatory creams) designed specifically for men, you will find there are few options. Depilatory creams have previously been used mostly by women for hair removal on larger parts of the body. Luckily, it appears that times are changing. Slowly companies are beginning to realize that men want […]
Ultimate Guide to Repair Damaged Hair Follicles
Your hair is like a plant. It grows out of roots buffered on all sides by the scalp’s equivalent of soil. The roots, of course, are located inside hair follicles which are little bags that contain cells. These cells are responsible for maintaining the quality of hair growing out of the follicles by providing it […]
5 Best Facial Hair Removal Options for Men
Men that have no desire to grow facial hair or want to removal even some of the hair on their face may find that there are significantly fewer options for men than women. The biggest reason for this is that, in general, the hair on a man’s face is significantly thicker and coarser than any […]
Shaving Gel vs. Cream: What’s the difference?
Most men have spent more time then they would ever like to admit standing in the aisle at the local store staring at the huge variety of products available for shaving. Not only are there several brands, but each brand often offers creams and gels. So, how in the world are you supposed to figure […]
Should You Remove Your Chest Hair? Best Removal Options
There seems to be a growing trend in everyday men deciding to bare it all, and by that we mean their chest – hair free that is. While there are probably tons of reasons why some men choose to get rid of the hair on their chest, there are likely just as many reasons not […]