While being comfortable with yourself is always good, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to be better, especially if it is easy and fun at the same time. This is the main reason why an increasing number of modern women are choosing to get hair extensions.
The popularity of hair extensions can be attributed to several high-profile personalities such as actors and sports stars admitting to using them. As more people are buying them, they’re also becoming more available. This has, in turn, made them even more popular.
Isn’t this why they’ve drawn your interest? You’ve probably seen someone using tape-in extensions or someone you trust has advised to try them out. However, you’re not one of those people who dive into things blind. So, you decided to learn more about tape-in extensions.
This guide on tape-in hair extensions should serve you perfectly in that regard. On this page, we cover everything from what tape-in hair extensions are to what kind of shampoos and conditioners you should use on them i.e., basic information to expert-level knowledge.
The following is an easy-to-use, clickable navigation panel that should show you everything you’ll learn in this guide.
- What Is aTape-in Hair Extension?
- Why Tape-ins Better Than All Other Types of Hair Extensions?
- How Are Tape-in Hair Extensions Installed?
- How to Apply Tape-in Hair Extensions at Home
- How Long Will Your Tape-in Hair Extensions Last?
- How Many Times Can You Reuse Your Tape-in Hair Extensions?
- How Much Do Tape-in Hair Extensions Cost?
- How Many Wefts of Tape-in Extensions Will You Need?
- How Should You Take Care of Your Tape-in Hair Extensions?
- Which Shampoo and Conditioners Are Best for Tape-in Hair Extensions?
What Is a Tape-in Hair Extension?
The tape-in method is considered to be one of the best when it comes to getting hair extensions. However, this isn’t the only way to get hair extensions. There are countless others.
To truly understand the beauty of tape-in hair extensions, you need to have at least a basic understanding of all the various methods of attaching hair extensions. This will also give you an idea of all the different types of hair extensions since they’re mainly differentiated based on installation methods.
Clip-in Hair Extensions
Traditionally, hair extensions used to be clip-ins. Also known as clip-ons, these types of hair extensions are sections of hair sewn onto clips that could then be clipped on to sections of natural hair.
Clip-in hair extensions are the most temporary version of hair extensions today, wherein you can put them on in the morning and take them off in the evening.
Sew-in Hair Extensions
Technological advancement resulted in other types of hair extensions becoming available. Sew-ins are one of them. These are hair extensions that are sewn onto sections of your natural hair instead of being clipped on.
In the majority of cases, stylists will braid your natural hair before sewing on hair extensions to individual braids. If the hair extensions are matched carefully, the result is very natural.
Thick-haired women may not even need to get their hair braided to use sew-in hair extensions. Some advanced stylists cansew in hair extensions onto pinned back hair as well.
Glued in Hair Extensions
As the name suggests, glued in hair extensions are attached to the natural hair using very strong glues. I-tip and U-tip hair extensions are installed using this technique.
These types of hair extensions feature keratin pre-bonds that are melted by the stylist to attach the extension to sections of natural hair. To melt the pre-bonds, stylists use flat irons.
Bonded Hair Extensions
Bonded hair extensions are, essentially, stronger, more advanced versions of glue-in hair extensions. These types of hair extensions are often also called cold fusion bonded hair extensions because their installation doesn’t involve heat even though they use keratin-based bonds.
Bonded hair extensions stay in place longer than glue-ins and are significantly more expensive too. The hair extensions are attached to carefully chosen sections of natural hair with the help of keratin-based polymers.
Microbead Hair Extensions
Microbead hair extensions are known by multiple names, including micro-weave hair extensions, beaded-weft hair extensions, micro link hair extensions, and micro loop hair extensions.
These hair extensions are attached to natural hair through metal crimp beads. A thin section of the natural hair is threaded through the metal crimp bead till the bead rests close to the roots. At this point, the bead is shut with the help of pliers, resulting in the hair extension resting on top of the section of natural hair.
The small size of the metal crimp bead, its flatness, and the fact that it has a silicone lining resembling the color of the natural hair keeps it from becoming visible to others. It is worth mentioning that even though multiple variations of micro bead hair extensions are available in the market, the basic installation technique remains the same.
Tape-in Hair Extensions
Tape-ins, the subject of this guide, is the latest avatar of hair extensions. Tape-in hair extensions feature a keratin tape at one end, similar to stickers.
These types of hair extensions sandwich a thin section of the natural hair. This allows the hair extensions to not only be more stable in the natural hair but also blend better with it.
The primary reason why tape-in hair extensions have become so famous since their appearance is the convenience of their installation. In fact, these days, tape-in hair extensions are considered to be the best amongst all hair extension types.
Why Tape-ins Better Than All Other Types of Hair Extensions?

If you’re comparing different types of hair extensions or are evaluating the advantages of a particular type, it is highly likely that you’ll be focusing on one or more of these five variables – appearance, potential damage to hair, ease of wearing, longevity, and cost.
While you may find other types of hair extensions being better than tape-in hair extensions in individual variables, when it comes to all of them combined, you’ll find tape-ins to be the most balanced and beneficial. Let’s approach each of those variables one by one.
Appearance and Blending
In terms of appearance, the most important thing hair extensions need to provide is a natural outcome. This means two things. The first is that the attachment mechanism of the hair extensions should be small enough to be virtually invisible. The second is that the hair extension itself should be able to blend with the existing hair in a way that it looks completely natural.
The entire installation process of tape-in hair extensions is designed to ensure that the point of attachment isn’t visible. The tape, which is already thin, sandwiches a thin section of natural hair. When the hair from the crown of the head is released, it covers the tape even further, rendering it all but invisible.
The sandwich configuration of their installation process also creates a natural flow and fall of hair. This results in the hair extension neither looking out of place in natural hair nor behaving unnaturally.
As a result, when it comes to appearance and blending, tape-in hair extensions perform as well as all other types of hair extensions and better than some such as clip-in hair extensions.
Potential Damage to Hair
This is one of the greatest concerns when it comes to any cosmetic procedure on hair. Whether it is curling and straightening or wearing hairpieces, potential damage to the existing hair has always been a major question.
In the case of hair extensions, especially, concerns about hair damage have always been front and center for most women. For instance, removing glue, unstitching wefts, and dealing with keratin bonds can all result in some damage to hair.
The only two types of hair extensions that don’t cause damage to hair are clip-ins and tape-ins. They don’t damage hair because they’re very easy to remove. While you can unclip the clip-in hair extensions, tape-in hair extensions can be removed with the help of specially devised removers.
It is worth mentioning that both these types of hair extensions are safe for hair only if they’re installed and uninstalled carefully. If the clip-ins are not unclipped properly or the adhesive on tape-ins is not dissolved fully, removing the hair extension can still end up damaging the hair.
Notably, clip-ins are considered safer than even tape-ins because it is so difficult to go wrong with simple unclipping of clips. However, when women try to remove tape-in hair extensions at home, they often end up damaging their hair. If the tape-ins are installed and removed by professionals at a salon, the chances of hair damage are next to zero.
Ease of Wearing
Tape-in hair extensions are possibly the easiest to wear and maintain amongst all types of hair extensions. They’re more user-friendly than other types of hair extensions in a variety of ways. However, the fact that they’re extremely lightweight is probably their most user-friendly property.
Their low weight makes tape-in hair extensions easy to wear since their installation doesn’t result in sudden pressure on your neck muscles. As opposed to tape-ins, if you try clip-ins or even micro beads, you’ll not only have to cope with more weight but the extra weight may even lead to hair damage and headaches.
Additionally, the installation process of tape-in hair extensions is faster than all other types of hair extensions, except clip-in hair extensions. Depending on the number of extensions you’re having installed, a professional stylist will, at most, take 60 minutes to finish the task. The installation procedure of most other types of hair extensions can go as high as two hours if not more.
Tape-in hair extensions are also versatile to wear. In fact, if you buy high-quality Remy tape-in hair extensions, you can change your hairstyle on a whim as they can handle the use of flat irons and curling rods. It is even possible for you to change the color of your hair while wearing tape-ins.
Longevity and Reusability
Barring permanent hair extensions, tape-in extensions will last as long as most other types of hair extensions i.e. eight weeks. In fact, with the right maintenance, good quality tape-in hair extensions can exceed most other types of hair extensions.
Apart from longevity, you also need to consider reusability when choosing between different types of hair extensions. Tape-ins exceed from this perspective too. Depending on how well you’ve maintained your hair extensions, you can reuse them up to three times.
The best part is that tape-in hair extensions don’t cost as much as most other types of hair extensions. In fact, except for clip-in hair extensions, tape-ins are one of the cheapest options available in the market right now.
Everything from buying the actual wefts to having them installed and blended is cheap when it comes to tape-in hair extensions. The fact that they offer so many different features and advantages at low prices is the reason why they’re slowly taking of the hair extension market on the whole.
How Are Tape-in Hair Extensions Installed?

Barring clip-in hair extensions, tape-in hair extensions are the easiest and quickest to install. The reason for this, as is obvious, is the simplicity of their installation procedure.
It starts with the cover at the adhesive end of the tape being removed. The exposed adhesive end is then stuck on to a thin section of natural hair. Another hair extension is similarly attached to the opposite side of the natural hair section, resulting in the natural hair section being sandwiched between two hair extensions.
The extensions are typically attached close to the roots for two reasons. The first is that this prevents excess movement that may cause the natural hair to break and the hair extensions to come loose. The second is that the position of the tape keeps the joint hidden even as the wearer goes through her daily routine.
While the installation of tape-in hair extensions is very quick and doesn’t take more than one hour for most people, the actual time will depend on the number of hair extensions being installed. It is even possible that your professional stylist will tell you to spread your installation procedure over multiple sittings.
They will suggest this not because they stand to make more from multiple appointments, but because it will be easier for you to adapt to the added weight of hair extensions if their addition is spread across multiple sessions. The more extensions you want, the more weight you’ll have to get used to. Therefore, spreading them across multiple sittings will save you undue stress and even headaches.
How to Apply Tape-in Hair Extensions at Home
Because the installation procedure of tape-in hair extensions is so simple, it is possible to do it yourself at home. However, you need to know that installing tape-in hair extensions requires a lot of precision and accuracy.
Since getting that precision and accuracy is difficult for one person, we suggest getting it done at the salon or enlisting the help of someone experienced to install it at home.
Getting help will not only make the actual installation process easier but will also make it easier for you to choose the right tape-in hair extensions. After all, you need the hair extensions to blend with your natural hair well. This means that you need to pay special attention to hair color.
If you’re only getting hair extensions to add volume and length, then you’ll need to find hair extensions with the same color as your natural hair. If you’re looking for stylistic changes, then getting someone else’s opinion will help you make the right choice too.
Whether you have help to install the tape-in hair extension in your hair or not, you need to follow the procedure very carefully. Here is the procedure.
Washing the Hair
Adhesives don’t work if they’re not installed on a clean surface. This is true for all kinds of adhesives, including the industrial-strength ones used on tape-in hair extensions. It is because of this reason that the first step of the installation procedure is washing the hair.
You don’t need to do anything special while washing your hair unless you’ve been using very mild shampoos. If you have, then we do suggest using a stronger shampoo, this one time. The best thing to do would be to wash your hair with a clarifying shampoo. These types of shampoos are specifically designed to remove buildup from hair, including oils, dust, and grime.
Once washed, you can dry your hair as you’ve always done. However, we do recommend doing it in a clean environment. For instance, avoid drying your hair outside where dust may get in your hair. Also, make sure that your hair is properly dry from the roots to the tips. Dampness or moisture near the scalp will cause the hair extension to come out in the same way that dust would.
Parting the Hair
Hair extensions are installed in a way that the point of attachment is covered with as much hair as possible. To do this, you’ll have to part your hair horizontally and then let the hair from the crown of your head fall on and cover the point of attachment.
The horizontal parting needs to be at the back of your head, about an inch from the nape of your neck or slightly above an imaginary line connecting your ears. Make this parting and lift the hair towards the crown of your head.
You, obviously, will need to clip or tie them on top or they’ll drop and cause all kinds of trouble while you’re sticking the hair extensions in place. The hair extension will be installed at this line.
Sectioning the Hair
Apart from horizontally parting the hair, you’ll also need to section your hair vertically.
The width of the sections will depend on the width of the tape-in hair extensions you’ve chosen. Tape-in hair extensions are available in different widths, including one inch, 1.5 inches, two inches. The two-inch width is the most common. It will be a good idea to have a soft measuring tape at hand so that you can measure the width of your sections.
In terms of the thickness of the section, you need to make it as thin as possible. Remember, this section will be sandwiched between two hair extensions. The strongest bonds will be created if the adhesive part of the two hair extensions come in contact.
The best way to do this would be to feel the section between your fingers. If you can feel the opposite fingers, then you’ve got the right thickness.
Installing the Hair Extension
Once you have the sections ready, you can begin attaching hair extensions.
You always have to start by putting the lower hair extension in place. Remove the covering on the tape of the lower hair extension. Lift one section of your natural hair and gently stick the lower hair extension to it. Press it to make sure that the bond is strong and let the section drop on top of the hair extension.
You can now attach the upper hair extension on to the tape of the lower hair extension. Once you have the upper and lower hair extensions in place, press them together with the help of a pair of pliers for 10 to 15 seconds. Don’t apply too much force, just make sure that they’re pressed together.
If you find that the strips of tape on the upper and lower hair extensions are not sticking well enough, then you need to redo the entire job. This problem will only arise if your section of natural hair is too thick.
How Long Will Your Tape-in Hair Extensions Last?

On average, tape-in hair extensions are said to last for anything between six to eight weeks which is much better than the four to eight weeks average of glue-in and protein-bonded hair extensions.
However, multiple variables affect the staying power of hair extensions. These variables are the quality of the tape-in hair extensions, the quality of their installation, the quality of hair care, and even the rate of hair growth.
The Quality of Hair Extensions
The quality of hair extensions will have a huge say in how long they stay in your hair.
You’ll find multiple types of tape-in hair extensions in the market, ranging in prices. It is important to understand that the cheapest ones are cheap for a reason. They will either be cheap because they’re made of synthetic hair or because their tape and the adhesive combo isn’t the best in the market. Overall, their quality will be on the lower side, which means that they won’t stay in your hair for long.
The more expensive ones, however, will be long-lasting because of the strength of adhesive used on their tapes. It is also highly likely that these will be made of either virgin hair or Remy hair. In fact, some will only be associated with specific salons or brands and as a result, will come with solid guarantees and warranties.
The Quality of Installation
It is always advisable to have your tape-in hair extensions installed by a professional, whether at home or salon. People who install tape-in hair extensions at home don’t see them last a very long time. As is obvious, this happens because the hair extensions weren’t installed properly.
For instance, one of the most common mistakes women make when installing hair extensions at home is creating hair sections that are too thick. This prevents proper contact between the tapes of the upper and lower hair extensions. As a result, the bond is not strong enough, and the hair extension comes out at inopportune moments.
Similarly, if the hair is not clean and without buildup, then the adhesive on the tape will not be able to bond well. This will also cause the hair extensions to come loose before the average time.
The Quality of Hair Care
Even though tape-in hair extensions require much less maintenance than other types of hair extensions, this doesn’t mean that they can cope with rough handling. They can’t. In fact, how well the hair extension is maintained will affect the adhesive on the tape and so its longevity.
For example, the adhesive on these tapes, like every other type of adhesive in the world is susceptible to heat. Exposure to excess heat will cause them to melt and the hair extension to slide. Too much tugging and pulling will have the same result as well.
The Rate of Hair Growth
The position of the hair extension in the hair has an impact on its staying power also since hair growth brings the attachment point away from the scalp.
As your hair grows, you’ll find that the tape on the tape-in hair extension is moving downwards. It can only go down to a certain point before the section of hair is unable to hold the weight of the hair extension. Before this point comes, the hair extension needs to be removed completely and reapplied.
In fact, the average lasting time of tape-in hair extensions is based on the rate of hair growth more than any other variable mentioned above.
This means that if your hair grows faster than most people, you will need to remove and reapply your hair extensions in approximately six weeks. On the other hand, if your hair growth is slower than most people, then you can wait till eight weeks before needing a touchup.
How Many Times Can You Reuse Your Tape-in Hair Extensions?
Except for clip-in hair extensions which can be reused an indefinite number of times, tape-in hair extensions can be reused the most amongst all types of hair extensions.
You can remove and reapply your tape-in hair extensions for a minimum of three times. While this is the average, you can push it even further. If you truly take care of your hair and your hair extensions, you can reuse the latter for up to five times.
Moreover, if you’re open to stylistic changes, you can get another one or two reuses in too. The reason for this is that it is usually the hair tips of hair extensions that get damaged first. Therefore, if you’re open to trims or hairstyle modifications, you can use them another time beyond the maximum mentioned above.
How Much Do Tape-in Hair Extensions Cost?
Broadly speaking, you can expect tape-in hair extensions to peg you back by $200 to $400. However, this range only covers the cost of the hair extensions and not the cost of associated services.
As to how much you should expect to pay to gate hair extensions, you’ll need to create your own estimates. We can help you along by telling you which variables to focus on, however. Consider.
Type of Your Tape-in Hair Extensions
The one variable that will have the most impact on the cost of your tape-in hair extensions is the type of hair used to make them. Broadly, there are three varieties to choose from – synthetic, virgin, and Remy.
Synthetic tape-in hair extensions will be the cheapest, while Remy tape-in hair extensions will be the most expensive. Virgin hair-based tape-in hair extensions will fall in the middle.
The synthetic variety is the cheapest because synthetic hair can be mass-produced, bringing down the price of individual hair extensions. Virgin hair-based tape-in hair extensions will be made up of human hair, which is why they’re more expensive.
Remy tape-in hair extensions are the most expensive because Remy hair is the hardest to get. Remy human hair is completely unprocessed human hair that has been collected straight from the scalp. Virgin human hair is the same.
Remy human hair, though, is arranged in a particular way at the time of collection. It is arranged in a way that the cuticles on each strand face the same way. This means that its collection process is more time and effort-intensive. This is why it is the most expensive type of hair.
Brand of Your Tape-in Hair Extensions
Naturally, where your tape-in hair extensions have been manufactured and which brand they’re sold under will also have an impact on the total cost. The more exclusive or high-profile the brand you choose, the more you can expect to spend.
For example, some brands are exclusively only available at specific salons. These brands are not only slightly more expensive but also require you to utilize the services of the concerned salon, affecting the overall cost further.
Your Expected Outcome
How you want your hair to look in the end is another variable worth considering. Your expected outcome will affect two things the most – the length and number of hair extensions you’ll need.
If you’re planning to use hair extensions to add highlights to your hair, then you won’t need a many, and your cost will be lower. However, if you’re planning to use hair extensions to add volume and length to your hair, then your cost will go up drastically.
Installation Cost
Most women will choose to get their hair extensions installed by experts, whether at home or a salon. This will add to the cost, depending upon the choice of salon.
The choice of the salon will easily account for 50 percent of the total cost of getting hair extensions in most scenarios. The reason for this is that you’ll be using their service more than a single time. After the initial installation, which will be the most expensive, you’ll need to visit them two to three times more for touchups.
How Many Wefts of Tape-in Extensions Will You Need?
The best way to answer this question for you is to get an appointment with your favorite salon. Salons that handle hair extensions expect a consultation before the actual purchase is made anyway.
The consultation will not only help you learn everything you need to know about hair extensions but will also give your personalized information such as how many wefts of tape-in hair extensions you’ll need.
The two most important variables from this perspective are your expectations and the nature of tape-in hair extensions. Both of these variables are highly person-specific and interdependent variables.
For instance, the number of needed wefts will change based on the width of individual available tape-in hair extensions and whether you need them for accents or volume. Depending on your chosen hairstyle, you may even need wefts of varying lengths, which will again affect the final number.
How Should You Take Care of Your Tape-in Hair Extensions?
As is the case with all types of hairpieces, tape-in hair extensions require extra care. You’ll need to be careful about everything from how you brush your hair to how you sleep, including washing, drying, and conditioning.
If expert stylists are attaching tape-in hair extensions for you, then you will receive a thorough primer on how to take care of them. You would do well to follow what they recommend as much as possible if you want your hair extensions to look good and last a long time.
They may or may not give you written instructions, though. We will, however. Here is everything you need to do to take care of your tape-in hair extensions.
How to Brush Your Tape-in Hair Extensions?

One of the first things expert stylists will tell you is that tape-in hair extensions, like all other types of hair extensions, are very prone to tangling. The best way of avoiding this problem is to brush them regularly.
At the very least, you need to brush your hair extensions two times a day. One should be before you go to bed while the other can be whenever. If you’re planning to wash your hair on the day, then you should brush your hair before washing them.
This is helpful because hair is more prone to breaking when wet. You can always brush your hair extensions more than to times a day. How you brush your hair extensions is also important. You need to be very careful so that you don’t tug the joint. In fact, it is recommended that you hold the joint with your fingers while brushing your hair extensions.
Further, it would be a good idea for you to buy a special hair extension brush to brush your hair. Hair extension brushes are different from normal brushes as they don’t have bristles. Instead, they have soft loops that completely nullify snagging and tugging of hair.
How to Wash and Dry Your Tape-in Hair Extensions?
Any buildup in your hair is going to affect the adhesive on your tape-in hair extensions. Since it is a form of glue, oil, dust, and other things can get caught in it. The more stuff it catches, the less effective it will become.
This is why washing your hair extensions is important. At the same time, you can’t wash your hair too much because that will also weaken the adhesive. Striking a balance, therefore, is important too. Typically, you should wash your hair and extensions twice a week.
While you’re washing your hair, you’ll have to be careful about the point of attachment as well. You should protect it from aggressive rubbing or tugging as that would either weaken the adhesive bond or break your natural hair. The best thing would be to apply already soaped up shampoo gently and vertically onto the extensions. While rinsing, you can squeeze the suds out.
Avoiding rough handling is critical while drying your hair and extensions. This means patting and dabbing instead of rubbing. It also means using microfiber towels instead of cotton towels since cotton can snag and pull hair.
Further, we recommend avoiding a hairdryer altogether and instead, letting your hair dry naturally. The heat generated by the blow dryer may cause the adhesive to melt.
Moreover, hairdryers are strictly forbidden if you’ve chosen synthetic hair extensions. The heat will melt the synthetic hair outright. At the same time, we understand that avoiding a blow dryer is not feasible for a lot of women of today. Therefore, if you have to use the hairdryer, we suggest using heat protestants.
You also want to avoid exposing your tape-in hair extensions to chemicals like chlorine and fluorine. Water can sometimes be laced with these chemicals so being careful about the source of water you expose your hair to should be a priority.
How to Condition Your Tape-in Hair Extensions?
You need to wash your hair and extensions regularly so that the adhesive doesn’t get affected by buildup. For the same reason, when it comes to conditioning your hair, you need to avoid the roots. Avoiding the roots and the points of attachment of the hair extension should keep the adhesive from being weakened by the conditioner.
You can’t give up conditioning altogether, though. Your extensions don’t receive any oils produced by your scalp. This keeps them from getting moisturized naturally. A leave-in conditioner is the perfect solution to this problem. If you put leave-in conditioner in your hair every day, then you’ll be ensuring that you never have to deal with tangled hair extensions again.
How to Sleep with Your Tape-in Hair Extensions?
Hair extensions have a very annoying habit of getting tangled while you’re sleeping. Fortunately, there are things you can do to avoid this problem.
The first is to tie your hair before going to bed. You can choose to make a loose pony, two pigtails, or even braid your hair to avoid tangles.
Another thing you can do is avoid coarse pillowcases. If the pillow cover you sleep on is coarse, then you’ll be more likely to wake up with tangled hair extensions. The workaround for this problem is to use silk pillowcases or pillowcases made of finer materials.
Which Shampoo and Conditioners Are Best for Tape-in Hair Extensions?
The oils produced by our scalp serve two purposes. The first is that they moisturize our hair, and the other is that they protect our hair from the elements. Hair extensions, unfortunately, don’t get that protection.
This is why our extensions are particularly at risk from the hair products we put in our hair. Therefore, when it comes to shampoos and conditioners, you have to be very careful about what you expose your hair extensions to.
The best shampoos and conditioners from this perspective are those that are gentle, mild, and moisturizing. As a result, most natural shampoos and conditioners with softer ingredients should be suitable for hair extensions.
In fact, you’ll find shampoo and conditioner sets suitable for hair extensions in all price brackets. We’ve shortlisted the following to make things easier for you.
Best Budget Shampoo and Conditioners for Hair Extensions
When it comes to hair extensions, you won’t find many budget shampoo and conditioner sets. This is mainly because most sets contain ingredients like sulfates and parabens. Natural combos mild enough to be suitable for hair extensions within the budget segment are quite rare. However, there are a couple that we’ve found.
The first one we’ve found is the Organix Nourishing Coconut Milk Shampoo + Conditioner (Combo Pack). This combo is based on coconut milk, which is not only great at moisturizing hair but also nourishing it.
It is also completely free of sulfates and parabens but still manages to produce a considerable amount of lather owing to its numerous coconut-based cleansers. Since it contains multiple coconut-based ingredients, this combo has a distinctly tropical scent, which should appeal to most women.
While Organics offering is very good, the best budget option for hair extensions is the Nexxus for Color Treated Hair Color Assure System. Developed specifically for colored hair, this combo works well for hair extensions, too because their requirements are the same.
The combo is very mild and gentle since it doesn’t contain any harsh chemicals like sulfates. It is also well-balanced when it comes to its moisturizing power, unlike the Organic option, which is very strong at hydrating hair.
This means that the chances of the Nexxus combo going wrong on your head are lower because it would neither over-hydrate your hair nor your tape-in hair extensions.
Even the smell of this combo is neutral, making it ideal for women with an elaborate hair care regime. You’ll never have to worry about the scent of this combo clashing with other hair products that you may be using or want to use.
Best Value Shampoo and Conditioners for Hair Extensions
The two shampoo and combo sets we’ve found in the value price bracket are superb options for women with hair extensions for different reasons. The combos are WOW Apple Cider Vinegar Shampoo & Hair Conditioner Set and Shea Moisture Raw Shea Butter Restorative Shampoo and Conditioner Bundle.
The Shea Moisture combo is well-known and excellent at moisturizing hair. However, it may be too strong at hydrating hair for some women. They can expect it to either over-moisturize their hair extensions or their natural hair, depending on how their natural hair behaves normally.
The WOW combo, on the other hand, is much more balanced when it comes to moisturizing hair. It is the only one in the market that boasts of apple cider as an ingredient in the shampoo. The apple cider content is a good cleanser of hair, while the conditioner counters its strong clarifying properties by being very good at moisturizing hair.
Incidentally, both combos have distinct scents. The Shea Moisture combo smells of honeysuckle, and the WOW shampoo smells of apple cider and coconut both.
Of these, the combo that will suit your requirements will depend on the state of your natural hair. If your natural hair gets dry easily, you can go for the Shea Moisture combo but if it tends to get greasy instead, choose the WOW combo.
Best Premium Shampoo and Conditioners for Hair Extensions
If you’re willing to spend some money, you’ll find shampoo and conditioner combos developed specifically for hair extensions. Of all those available, two of the best are NYK1 Cleansing Shampoo & Detangling Conditioner and Big Kizzy F.A.T.T. Volumizing & Thickening Biotin Shampoo & Conditioner Set. Both of these combos are excellent for hair extensions because they nourish, hydrate, and protect hair.
Also, both these combos are natural and without harmful ingredients, but the one from Big Kizzy is slightly heavier. This means that if you have dry hair, you should choose Big Kizzy, and if you have normal or oily hair, you’ll be better off with the NYK1 combo.
NYK1 is also a safer option for multiple reasons. The first is that it has a coconut smell which usually appeals to women when it comes to their hair products. The other combo, however, has a sweet bubblegum smell that may not appeal to many women.
Another reason why we recommend the NYK1 combo is that it has won many awards, namely the Natural Health International Beauty Award in 2018.
- What Is a Tape-in Hair Extension?
- Why Tape-ins Better Than All Other Types of Hair Extensions?
- How Are Tape-in Hair Extensions Installed?
- How to Apply Tape-in Hair Extensions at Home
- How Long Will Your Tape-in Hair Extensions Last?
- How Many Times Can You Reuse Your Tape-in Hair Extensions?
- How Much Do Tape-in Hair Extensions Cost?
- How Many Wefts of Tape-in Extensions Will You Need?
- How Should You Take Care of Your Tape-in Hair Extensions?
- Which Shampoo and Conditioners Are Best for Tape-in Hair Extensions?