Our hair is one of the first things people see and you don’t want it to be a true expression of who you are. Some people opt for funky colors to express themselves while others believe they should have been born blonde and some women just want to cover up their pesky grays. Regardless of why you are dying your hair or rather you have your hair dyed at a hair salon or at home you want the color to last. These helpful tips will help ensure that your color can last as many shampoos as possible.
Lock the Color
By straightening your hair immediately after it is dyed you can help lock in the color to your hair shaft and help keep your color.
Skip Shampoo’s
Actually, it’s not the shampoo and rubbing that fades your hair but water. A lot of people believe it’s the shampooing but just drowning your hair will wash the dye right down the drain. Dyed hair is more porous and as the water is absorbed than released from your strands it takes some dye with it so skip the washes for a longer dye job.
Use a Color Safe Shampoo and Conditioner
Sure, a lot of shampoo’s and conditioners are simple great marketing but color safe shampoos are one that can be worth the investment. They provide a special formula that is soft and protective for your colored hair.

Keep Your Shower Water Lukewarm/Cool
Many of us love hopping into a hot and steamed up shower but our hair color doesn’t fair well. The hotter the water the faster your hair dye will fade so keeps it warm.
Deep Condition Your Dyed Locks
Colored hair has been stripped of some it’s vital nutrients and oils so it’s important that you replace what has been removed with once a week. Deep conditioning treatments will give your hair a smooth and soft feel in addition to helping your dye last long.
Protect Your Hair from Weather
You’d be surprised how damaging the weather can be on your hair from the hot sunshine to the cold dry air and the damage can ruin our color. Keep your hair protected with a hat or a product to prevent damage.